Sherin d.

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Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany

Über Sherin d.

27 Jahre alt | Consultant

We are Philipp (24) and Sherin (24), a couple (since 2013) from Germany with a huge love for all animals and passion for travelling. 

Sherin: I am working as a consultant, I have the flexibility to work from anywhere for 120 days a year. I grew up with a golden retriever (Gina) and a bernese mountain dog (Bella) . I am a calm person with passion for art, yoga and meditation. 

Philipp: I am currently finishing my masters degree in leadership and will start working from October 2022. Thats why I am also flexible regarding my location. I grew up with two small dogs (Lilly & Happy) and a cute black cat (Petro). I am a sporty person who loves volleyball, food and good coffee. 

Both of us: We are experienced in house sitting for more than 3 years as we are regularly sitting animals for all of our friends and families. We are both experienced in sitting dogs whether they are big or small. We love going for walks, playing with them or just give them a nice cuddle. We are also experienced in sitting cats. Depending on their character we either give them the freedom they want or also love to cuddle and play with them. We follow the guidelines when it comes to feeding and treating the your animal members. Animal welfare is our number one priority. Of course, we take just as good care of the properties themselves. All tasks that need to be done we do with fullest pleasure. In addition we both have an international drivers license, do not smoke and are also flexible throughout the day. 

In summary, we are a super pet friendly, responsible couple. Therefore, we would love to take care of your house and all animal members. 

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Philipp, 27 Jahre alt, Leadership Master Student, Andere

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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