Nancy c.

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Über Nancy c.

35 Jahre alt | Restaurant Owner

Hi there!

My name is Nancy, I'm a responsible and caring person that loves animals and enjoys taking care of people's homes. I want to make sure you have peace of mind knowing your pets are loved and cared for, and your home is managed in tip top shape. Many people I've rented from in the past have said we've left their homes in better condition.

As for what I do, I am a restaurant owner and brand consultant based out of Toronto Ontario. I own multiple businesses that include 2 restaurants (Otto's Berlin Doner, Otto's Bierhalle) and a natural wine shop (Grape Crush). I'm very passionate about food and drink, it's one of the biggest reasons I love to travel beyond experiencing new cultures and learning about history.
You can find my profile on Linked In here:

While this is our first time using Nomador, we are experienced house sitters, regularly house sitting for our families that have 4 dogs and a cat! We've even house sat chickens in the past. We really love cats and dogs, my partner is a dog person while I am a cat person. We can't wait to meet new pets and getting to know them.

This year we are planning on traveling for 12 months and exploring different parts of the world starting in Portugal. We're big fans of AirBnB and love dogs/cats, so this service really brings the best of both worlds. My partner, Konrad, and I have been together for 11 years, he is a web developer and trader. He will be joining me and together we will be working nomadically.

Finally, we love making new connections around the world, if you ever find yourself in Toronto we would love to show you a good time and treat you at one of our restaurants.

Re: COVID - my partner and I are fully vaccinated and boosted, we only wear N95s when we leave the house and go anywhere indoors, and avoid risky behaviour.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Konrad, 37 Jahre alt, Web Developer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Chinesisch

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