Deniz c.

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İstanbul, İstanbul, Turkey

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Deniz c.

45 Jahre alt | entrepreneur / art historian / ceramicist / animalist / non-beliver of titles


We are Kory and Deniz, a couple from the United States (Phoenix, AZ) and Istanbul, Turkey (that’s me :). Kory moved to Turkey to be with me, Deniz, and for the last 1.5 yrs we have been traveling and living in Turkey. We lived in Ka?, a quaint coastal beach town. We then moved to the larger town of Antalya. Now for the past 12 months in Adana. We are both vaccinated with Pfizer/BioNTech, through the 3rd shot (1st booster). Neither of us have had Covid, that we know of. Kory has been tested and been through the travel ordeal of airline and government requirements. Also, we are both freshly vaccinated with the following: MMR, Hep A, Tetanus, Rabies, Yellow Fever, Typhoid. We are prepared to travel the world and meet interesting people and animals!

We both have / had pets. Kory grew up with a Toy Poodle who slept under the covers. Later he rescued two cats from a shelter. Deniz grew up with an Anatolian Shepherd, a Border Collie, and Brown Golden Retriever (Collie & Golden raised from a pup). Later, she also rescued kittens abandoned from their mom. I had 3 cats & took care of several strays in Istanbul. We would love to meet new and precious souls while we travel. We love animals, & know how to communicate, often knowing what they want from us without having to guess. Having animal friends is one thing we cannot do without in our lives. But since we decided to travel and see the world we can not adopt a cat or a dog for now (or an Alpaca :). House sitting for animal owners seems to be the best way to have both experiences together.

Recently we have been working to put together an online business. We spend a lot of our time at home. Ideal to care for animals. When we take a break, we like to step outside for fresh air and exercise. That could be just outside the house or on a nature walk, preferably in the open, but short city walks if we have to. We both love outdoor sports, hiking, being in nature. We are comfortable in both the city and isolation. For city life we prefer quiet and calm, big or small, with interesting architecture. City life has been our most recent adventure. We are both looking forward to a nature setting dwelling. We have discussed a small farm, earth house, raising alpacas, llamas, chickens dogs, cats and whatever else adopts us. Although, we may crave for a city light or two :)

We are practical, clean and we love to take care of our living space. Kory actually finds a sense of zen in cleaning! We know our limits

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Kory, 50 Jahre alt, Bussiness Manager, Free Diver,, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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