Anna G.

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Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Anna G.

30 Jahre alt | self employed

Hello, I'm Anna! I am a student, originally from Las Vegas, studying social work at the University of Nevada, Reno in the USA. I have plenty of experience housesitting and petsitting and have 2 dogs and 1 cat at home. I am very responsible, tidy, and respectful. I will be glad to take care of house chores and any responsibilities necessary to ensure peace of mind. I love to take dogs for long walks and to explore my surroundings. I am an avid traveler and enjoy ballet, music, movies and more. The fact is that I am very aware of what a difference it can make for you to know that everything is being well cared for during your absence, so I strive to make sure owners and pets are as happy as can be.

Why I want to house sit:
As an avid traveler, I love that housesitting enables me to see new parts of the world and to learn what locals love about where they live. It gives me the opportunity to explore new places with the comfort of having a home base. It also gives me the chance to make new human friends and furry friends alike. When it comes to pets, housesitting gives me the opportunity to provide the same love and attention you would give your pets, or I would give my own pets at home. I like that I can help keep your pets out of a kennel and in the environment that they're used to, adding to their comfort and your's.

My experience
My family are animal lovers and there hasn't been a time where we haven't had at least two pets. Through the years growing up we have adopted dogs, cats, turtles, fish and even geckos. I have volunteered many service hours in the community, including at animal shelters. I have also house-sat, pet-sat and baby-sat for many people in my community, which has given me much experience and references.

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