Federico antonio p.

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Velletri, Lazio, Italy

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Federico antonio p.

37 Jahre alt | Teacher | Allein

I'm an easygoing and lifelover guy. I decided to join Nomador cause I love to discover unexplored places around the world and take care of your animals, plants and home place. I will treat your space as if it was mine, by respecting and taking good care of it and at the same time to have the chance to visit the gems around your area.

I love animals, art and nature above all.
I have a very large garden and I use to water the plants, clear the weeds and plant trees and flowers. I got seven cats and a dog and i use to feed stray cats in my area. I am here on Nomador to discover places i didn't know the existence, to learn more about new lifestyles, cultures and foreign languages and to connect with nature. I truly believe that "Happiness is only real when shared".

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