Armando a.

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São José, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Armando a.

67 Jahre alt | BANCÁRIO

Me and my wife Neusa Helena, would love to look after ……….and your home! We are pet lovers and we have a lot of experience with cats since they have always been part of our lives.
I'm study Administration in UFSC. I was Bank Officer in Banco do Brasil S/A, for 42 yers and now I am retired. Neusa Helena was a Nursing Technique and she has retired too, so we would be able to spend a great amount of time with ……………
We are also non-smokers.
You can check our references from previous house sittings here at Trusted House Sitters. We have a Facebook fanpage (Travel theme). You're welcome to check it out if you'd like:
We are very organized and clean and I'm sure you'd find your home just the way you left it. We also own a house in Brazil, so we are used to working on the house. We have made a video introducing ourselves to the House Sitting community: You can check it out so you'll get to know us a bit better:
If you like us, we can set up a Skype video call so we can get to know each other. Just let us know. We will be looking forward to hearing from you!
Best regards,
Armando and Neusa Helena Schleger

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Meine Reisebegleiter
NEUSA HELENA, 70 Jahre alt, Aposentada, Ehepartner / Partner

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