Marina p.

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Málaga, Andalusia, Spain

Über Marina p.

26 Jahre alt | Estudiantes

We are a couple from the south of Spain, specifically from the Costa del Sol in Malaga, we live with our two puppies Gundan and Bambú and a lot of fish (scalars, african cichlids, betta fish, among other species). Marina has just finished her university degree in Social Work and she is studying a Master's degree in Human Rights at the UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia). Iván has also just finished his university degree in Social Education and he is currently studying for a Master's degree in social intervention with families and minors.

Studying online allows us to spend the whole day with our pets. We combine our study time with educating Gundan and Bamboo and teaching them new tricks.

Gundan is a mix of Belgian Malinois Shepherd father and Spanish Mastiff mother. He is currently six years old. Ivan adopted him when he was a baby because he was going to be put down due to his heart arrhythmia. Thanks to Ivan's work, Gundan leads a completely normal life, he loves to run on the beach and climb the mountains in the countryside.

Bambú is a one year old puppy, we rescued him from the kennel when he was six months old. He is an Andalusian maneto podenco, this type of dog is usually used for hunting, that's why when we adopted him he was very scared, he was afraid of everything. Six months later he is a very happy and sociable dog, he loves to spend time with his brother Gundan and with us in the countryside and on the beach.

They are perfect sons!

Our fish have their ideal habitat in every aquarium. African cichlids have a rocky aquarium and their special food, with warm water. Scalar fish have an aquarium with warm water and more width than height, full of plants and branches. On the other hand, male betta fish have an individual aquarium. Lastly, we have a community aquarium.

We love to spend our free time with our doggy children, playing with them, walking on the beach, discovering new places outdoors, and going to the dog park a few times a week, because socialising pets is very important for their health.

Also, the family reunions are a lot of fun, because our families are in favour of animal welfare. So, we all get together with my little brother's cat, Cayenne; my sister's male dog, Bobby; and my older brother's female dog, Paris. Paris is a mix of American Stanford mother and American Bully father, in Spain this breed of dog is considered dangerous, but for us Paris is a very loving and well-behaved dog.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Iván Rebola, 29 Jahre alt, Student, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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