Lidwina b.

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Ostend, Flanders, Belgium

Über Lidwina b.

60 Jahre alt | Secretary

We are a Belgian couple (58 - 68) with a warm heart for Southern Europe. We have lived part-time in France for 10 years, 6 years in the Aveyron and 4 years in the Gard. Now we live in Belgium full-time again, but we like to travel to new places and meet new people.
Pierre is an artist (glass, ceramics). He is handy and creative, which ensures that he quickly finds a solution for small problems in and around the home.
Winnie speaks fluently French and English (and Dutch of course) and has notions of German, has always done a job in administration, so handling mail and any emails or phone calls is no problem.
We are social and adapt easily to a new environment.
We love animals. We have had cats for years, but because we now live in the city center, that is no longer possible. Winnie is a Reiki (japanese healing and relaxation method) practitioner, which dogs and cats usually quickly pick up and appreciate.
We like peace and quiet, which means we don't mind staying on site much of the time. We really don't get bored easily. But we also enjoy a trip every now and then.
We don't have any house sitting experience yet, but because of our own experience with living and working in France, we are confident that taking care of someone else's house and pet will go well with us. Hope to see you soon.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Pierre, 71 Jahre alt, retired / glassblower / ceramist, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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