Ashleigh s.

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Milan, Lombardy, Italy

Über Ashleigh s.

35 Jahre alt | Teacher

Hello! We're Ashleigh and Scott. We're a married couple in our early thirties. Having moved both our companies online over the last couple of years, we recently left our home in Milan, Italy to travel and experience life in new places around the world.

Scott is a Director’s Agent in the advertising industry and Ashleigh is an Educational Consultant and Private Tutor. We work long hours most days and evenings, so we are happy to be at home for long stints in houses with or without pets.

We love relaxing, cooking and doing yoga. We're also avid hikers and walkers who like nothing more than getting out into the fresh air and discovering the local countryside at the weekend.

We take housesitting seriously and understand that you need someone in your home who you can trust will take care of the house and any pets you have. We can provide you with references and a background check to give you peace of mind that we are trustworthy and peaceful people.

We’ve housesat in the past for various family and friends, in both large and small properties. We're comfortable and happy around animals having both grown up with a lot of dogs. We also have an Air BnB profile on which you can check out our reviews.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Scott, 35 Jahre alt, Agent, Ehepartner / Partner

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