Dawn S.

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Avon, Indiana, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Dawn S.

58 Jahre alt | USAF Veteran, World Traveler, and Digital Nomad | Allein

Hello! My name is Dawn and I am a single, retired, 58 -year-old, USAF Veteran, who enjoys traveling, hiking, history and historical architecture, as well as art from all genres and eras. I also happen to love all animals, but have specific knowledge and experience with dogs, cats, and birds. Growing up, our household on nearly 3 acres was never without a dog (to keep the cows in line), as well as barn cats. As an adult, I am a grandparent to a Cockatiel named Jupiter, and have experience with birds.

My love of travel began long before my first deployment to Germany in the mid-to-late 80's. I was fortunate enough to be able to travel a great deal of the "Eifel" region of Europe (Germany, France, Belgium, Luxembourg & the Netherlands.) I am not fluent in any language other than English, however, if it is German or a Latin-based language I am quickly able to pick up on understanding and speaking that language with your furry family members.

My overall goal, is to be able to travel, while enjoying the companionship of animals, while caring for your home, gardens and the animals entrusted to my care as if they were my own.

Being from the US, I would require to fly in a few days early, and prefer to so I can get acquainted with your household and pet-care routines. If a vehicle is required to get around, I am more than happy to rent one for a day or two in order to site see, get to market, etc.

My preferred length of stay is at least one month. Longer if needed, due to the cost of air fare. However, I am open to other arrangements as well.

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