Joy c.

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Barnsley, England, United Kingdom

Über Joy c.

61 Jahre alt | Teacher/Examiner


I’m Joy, a nearly-59-year-old solo traveller - new to Nomador!

I left a 24-year teaching career 10 years ago, and I now work in a freelance capacity, allowing time to indulge my love of travel, revisiting the familiar and exploring the new. Work has taken me to many places, particularly the Far East, but also Kenya, New Zealand, Turkey and the USA, and I would go anywhere for the novelty and adventure! I’m also keen to explore more of Europe, including France and French-speaking places, having spent the pandemic months learning French, then spending a week in Bordeaux on a ‘language immersion homestay.’

I love the outdoors, whether walking, swimming or cycling, and I love to explore a new place on foot, bike or public transport. Travelling solo for work taught me that it works really well for me, but that it’s important to have some connection and contact with local people to get to know a place from their perspective, and not just as a tourist. Nomador appeals to me for this very reason, and for the sense of community it provides, with a shared purpose of getting to know people that you wouldn’t normally meet, and helping each other out. Or just taking time out to relax in a different environment. I love the calming presence of cats, and the fact that they mostly have an engaging sense of entitlement to hugs, playtime and attention! I haven’t been able to keep my own pets in recent years, but I have previously had three generations of the same cat family, and I’ve been a regular dog-sitter and walker, usually different breeds of terrier; all very energetic, with a love of running!

My own home is clean, tidy and organised. I like it that way, so it’s easy to find things in a hurry, and it makes packing easier when going away! I have a small garden, which I look after myself; also several house-plants, and I often help my parents and one of my sons with garden maintenance, largely because it provides another reason to spend time outdoors.

I am new to house-sitting, and hope it is something I can do on a regular basis, so if there is anything you need to know to help you make your decision, please ask. And rest assured that I would completely respect your wishes as to the care and needs of your home, garden and pets, so you can have complete peace of mind that everything is in safe hands.

Thank you for taking the time to read my profile, and happy, safe travels!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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