Gillian B.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Gillian B.

50 Jahre alt | Archivist | Allein

Originally from Scotland, I'm a professional Archivist now based in London. A good Archivist (which I like to think I am!) is responsible, organised, contemplative, resourceful and empathetic. Qualities which also make a good housesitter, I reckon. I work part-time for a human rights organisation, and pet-sit in parallel. It's been working out wonderfully - most of my work is digital so I often work from home, giving me a lot more time for pet pampering.

I love animals but I haven't been in a position to 'have' a pet myself, due to a life filled with travel (15 years or so in India, Japan, South Korea, China, Australia). On returning to the UK a few years ago, I got serious about my Archive career and it took off quickly.

I started pet-sitting as a way to make a short-term contract in London financially viable, with no expectation of continuing beyond that. But it complemented my working life surprisingly well and I had such a positive experience in a lovely living environment with new pet friends that I accepted another sit and... one sit would lead to another and I've now been pet-sitting almost continuously since early 2019. I have 30+ 5-Star reviews on another site, but recently joined Nomador so that I can pet-sit in Europe on breaks from work, an amazing way to get to know a new city while staying with animal friends in a homely environment.

I'm an animal loving, vegetarian non-smoker. I enjoy urban walking and exploring cities, particularly architecture, museums and contemporary art. At heart, I'm a low maintenance gal who enjoys a quiet night in with pet snuggles. I also have a recent enhanced DBS certificate (a UK security check issued by the government) and am fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

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Bereits gebuchte Zeiträume

  • Vom 06/10/2024 bis zum 13/10/2024

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