Teo & Iza

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Lublin, Lublin Voivodeship, Poland

Über Teo & Iza

45 Jahre alt | Physiotherapist | Als Paar/Duo

Tom, a Chiropractic and Physiotherapist and Izabel works for administration for University of Life Sciences in Lublin .

Hello there,

I believe that you may have a lot of interest of your offer.
Any how, would you please have a moment to review our request.
We are quite Young couple from Poland.
Peaceful marriage without addictions, we like peace and quiet ans well as clean and we truly respect the rules prevailing in given environment.
I'm Tom 43 and my wife Izabel 41 :)
We travel from time to time all over the places
We live with amazing Ragdoll cat - Pusia. Shes 4 and half.
My mom taking care our cat when we away- she loves to stay at grahams house ;)
We love and understand each other in very unique intuitive way as well as straight forward.
I am actually thinking to connect with you on the phone so you can have "right vibe from us and and we could easily share more coming information straight on. Besides, writing a motivation letter isn't my strongest side.,
So if you don't mind, please contact us at the best convenient for You time so we can chat (whatapp, skype land line etc.) \
❤️Looking forward to take care of your pets

Best Regards.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Izabela, 42 Jahre alt, dorm admission, Ehepartner / Partner
Tom, 45 Jahre alt, Physiotherapist, Ehepartner / Partner

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