Josephine V.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Cleve, South Australia, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Josephine V.

28 Jahre alt | Teacher & blogger (Jo), remote digital marketer (Bogdan) | Als Paar/Duo

***AVAILABILITY 2024 ***
- Oct 31 - Nov 23

Hi there, we're Jo & Bogdan! For 4 years now, we have been working online remotely while travelling Europe together via pet-sitting & other exchange programs. We are experienced, full time back-to-back sitters who have completed countless sits through various sites. We have sat small and large dogs of various breeds, plenty of cats and tank & pond fish. We leave owners with very happy pets, healthy green gardens and sparkling clean homes - plus we keep owners regularly updated and send through plenty of pet pictures! We have also completed au pairing and volunteering for families ('Workaway'), but caring for people's pets and gaining all those free cat and dog cuddles has become our favourite way to travel!

Jo also grew up with various pets and knows how to care for rabbits & rodents, turtles, frogs, chickens and birds.

We're a mixed couple from Australia and Romania, who met in London and decided to travel Europe together. We're in our late 20's and are engaged to be married. Bogdan works online in digital marketing and Jo is an early childhood teacher but taking a break while we travel.

We love pets and are passionate about helping people out where we can and providing quality pet-care. Playtime and cuddles with gorgeous pets is our favourite time of day. We also love being able to meet new people from all over the world!


- We don't drive, so require sits accessible via public transport.

- We are non-smokers and prefer smoke-free homes.

- We use video calls to confirm & arrange sits.

- We follow Nomador policies and expect owners to do the same. We don't accept indoor & undisclosed cameras, third-party pets, or non-vacant properties during our stay.

- To help us coordinate our consecutive sits, we ask that you please let us know your departure & arrival times once they're booked. We’re happy to arrive the evening before if you have an early morning departure, but otherwise we’ll arrive on the day of your departure for a handover (or can follow your notes if our travel times don’t align). As experienced full-time sitters, we don't require extensive handovers & neighbourhood tours; we use Google Maps and are quite self-sufficient, ensuring easy transitions and stress-free holidays!

We have completed most of our sits with 'Trusted House Sitters.' You can see all our 15+ reviews here:

We hope we can be your next Nomador pet-sitter!

Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Bogdan, 27 Jahre alt, remote digital marketer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Camille b.

Paris, France - September 2022

Josephine and Bogdan pet-sitted our cat in our parisian appartment during the month of August. They were perfect guests - we came back to a perfectly clean flat, a happy cat and even a prepared dinner in the fridge! I would recommend them to anyone who needs to get their animals tended to. Our cat Marcel, which is particularly sensitive to loneliness must have felt at ease because it was as if we had never left. Our plants were also in good form when we came back despite the numerous heat waves! They are PERFECTLY reliable. We hesitated to use this service but it was the perfect win-win for us!

Frédéric et sandra m.

Soissons, France - Juli 2022

Joséphine et Bogdan ont été formidables avec Risette. Nous l'avons retrouvée comme si nous n'étions jamais partis. Je crois qu'elle est tombée amoureuse de Bogdan 😍. Nous avons également retrouvé la maison impeccable et le jardin bien entretenu. La communication était régulière et facile. Cette expérience a été aussi l'occasion d'une belle rencontre et d'un échange de cultures différentes. Merci Joséphine et Bogdan, nous serions heureux de vous retrouver !

Jack v.

Coventry, United Kingdom - Juli 2022

It was a pleasure having Jo and Bogdan staying at my home. Although I could not meet them in person due to flight times they were super communicative and kept me updated with my cats and their stay. The house was immaculate when I got home and my cats even started sitting on their lap within a couple of days (which is rare)! I would thoroughly recommend them to anyone that is looking for a house sitter and a stress free holiday. Thank you so much both of you, and I hope our paths cross again :).

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