Erinn Renee

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Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Erinn Renee

40 Jahre alt | Graphic Design & Marketing | Allein

I'm Erinn, 39 and originally from Australia, I have been travelling since 2014 and now live in southern Turkey when I am not traveling. A highlight for me is meeting new people on my travels, through housesitting I have made some wonderful friends - both animal and human! I work online in graphic design and digital marketing. I have been house and petsitting for over 6 years in many different countries, it's a passion and something I love doing when I get the chance to travel.

I know the stress one can feel when they have to travel and are trying to make sure their pets do not have to go to boarding facilities. Housesitting is a bridge for me to help you travel, whilst I get to experience life in your part of the world. I love having the company of animals and for me is an absolute privilege having people entrust me to look after their house and loved ones.

At the moment I have 5 special-needs rescue cats of my own that live in Turkey, they all have sight impairments and have been rescued from the street and also the shelter. They are my babies and I am extremely careful with their safety and well-being as due to their sigh impairments, they aren't allowed outside. You can be assured that I will show the same amount of love and care with your pets.

I have a strong background in animal welfare, and currently volunteer 2-3 days per week with 50 homeless cats at our local cat park in Uzumlu, Turkey. My previous shelter experience includes volunteering at Care For Dogs in Chiang Mai, Thailand (2014) and shelter management at PAWS For Compassion in Da Nang, Vietnam (2019).

I am organised, clean and respectful of other people's space and home. I have great communication skills and won't hesitate to let you know if attention is needed with your pet, or simply sending through regular updates.

I have many references on my Trusted Housesitters profile which you can view below, or I am happy to give contacts who you can speak to personally.

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