Gerly t.

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Tallinn, Harju County, Estonia

Über Gerly t.

33 Jahre alt | Trauma informed life coach

Hi there! My name is Gerly and I'm a 31 year old trauma informed embodiment coach & world traveller.

I've previously worked as a certified landscape architect & city planner (my education is in civil engineering) and I've also worked as a substitute math teacher in one of the elementary school's back in Estonia. Right before the pandemic started, I felt a need to shift careers and through my own personal healing journey found the path to life coaching. My passion is to help people in their own journey by guiding and supporting them through their trauma stories & experiences. I work remotely over phone & laptop, so all I need is a peaceful environment & a good internet connection, and I'm set :)

I'm also a pet owner to a heart-melting 6 y.o French bulldog boy Rocky (who's currently enjoying country life with my parents, their farm animals and a German Shepard, who they are almost inseparable by now). I'm also oldest of my siblings, so responsibility, care & nurture comes as a second nature to me.

I'm passionate about traveling, dancing, singing, reading, enjoying different flavours & colours of life, and always always doing things that fill my soul & bring a smile to my heart.

As I've been an home owner of my own, it is my promise that I'd take good care of your home like it would be my own. It would be an absolute pleasure & joy to be trusted into taking care of your dearest treasures such as your home & pets, so you too can go and explore the world and come back with new precious memories, flavours and colours in your basket of life ?

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