Cathy m.

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Seattle, Washington, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Cathy m.

57 Jahre alt | Executive Coach | Allein

About me:
I retired as a Captain from the United States Navy in 2014, and then moved to Seattle for my 2nd career at Amazon as a Human Resources Manager and Executive Coach. I retired for good in 2021 to pursue my passion to further experience the world, people, cultures, food, etc.
I enjoy hiking, biking, walking, and running. I am a non-smoker and enjoy dogs (happy to take yours on a walk or run if permitted) and other animals. My sisters and I were raised on a sheep farm (also with ducks and geese) so am comfortable taking care of farm animals too.
Ideally, your home will have Wi-Fi, is non-smoking, and temperature controlled appropriate for the season.
Why I want to house sit
I’ve always liked to travel but sometimes I struggle to slow down and resist the temptation to rush around doing all the touristy things. Housesitting will give me the opportunity to live in a community and enjoy doing normal experiences in a new location and get a better sense of that area’s people as well as taking in the local touristy stuff.
I’ve taken care of family and friends’ homes for years as well as my own homes. Having moved every few years to new duty stations and living overseas, I have a lot of experience with various home systems. I pride myself on being a good house guest, so I get invited back! I vow to leave your home as clean or cleaner than when I arrived.
My twenty-five years in the military, living in close quarters with others, as well as being a homeowner, makes me a good candidate for housesitting your home. I’m reliable, can think clearly in an emergency and take appropriate actions, and am a clear communicator.
Thank you for considering me,

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Edith F.

Villeneuve-sur-Bellot, France - November 2023

Cathy est très agréable, très investie auprès de nos chats, nous avons pu partir trois semaines en toute confiance. Elle donnait énormément de nouvelles, envoyait des photos. Son humour est communicatif, nous la recommandons chaudement. Édith

Wanice M.

Los Angeles, United States - Juni 2023

Cathy was an amazing house and pet sitter. We have four pets--a dog, two cats and a rabbit. The pets were all well cared for, including our dog, who needs to be walked three x a day. Cathy reached out to us regularly and gave us updates, so we could be kept in the loop. She left our house clean and tidy, like when we left, so our house was nice to return to. We would recommend Cathy to others looking for house and/or pet sitting. She communicates well, returned our house to us clean like we left it, and gave our animals exceptional care. Thank you, Cathy!

November 2022

We were lucky to have Cathy look after our cat Fred, plants, and house for 2 weeks while we on vacation. Our vacation dates changed and Cathy was flexible and accommodating, allowing us to add on another leg to our trip. Fred is our little buddy and knowing he was in good hands helped us enjoy our time away even more. Cathy kept us updated regularly with photos and messages. Upon return our house was spotless, neat and tidy, the plants looked healthy, and most importantly, Fred was healthy and happy. And we are still amazed at how quickly Fred became friendly and playful with Cathy! Thanks again Cathy for your great care and professionalism!

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