Franco l.

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Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Über Franco l.


Hello!!!! We are Franco and Soledad, a couple who recently embarked on their journey.
We are a physiotherapist and a doctor looking to start a new life in Australia. We are both animal lovers and to start this journey we had to leave our pets at home. It was not easy to find where to leave them since they are part of our family and it is difficult to find a person who treats them as one would. So we want to give people the peace of mind that we would have liked to have when leaving our two dogs.
Soledad came to Australia as a student so she spends a lot of time at home and in the afternoons when my work hours end we like to do outdoor activities like hiking and going to the beach.
As we said before, we are animal lovers and we have a lot of love to give until we reunite with our dogs in Australia.
We are at your disposal for any questions or to make a video call.
Mail: [email protected]
Phone; +54 9 223 5644931

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Maria Soledad Pilegi, 45 Jahre alt, doctor, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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