Karen a.

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México D.F., Mexico City, Mexico

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Karen a.

34 Jahre alt | Remote worker

I am Karen, passionate about the stories behind people and places, I am 32 years old Mexican, I currently live in Mexico City but I have a great desire to travel the world getting to know local life and creating a bond with the place and the people, I enjoy long stays in new places, creating new routines in different settings.

I am a very organized person who enjoys the harmony of clean and tidy spaces. I am an animal lover, Mikaela, Macarena, Valentino and Malteada are my three dogs and my cat, when I am away my family takes care of them and gives them a lot of love.

I work remotely for a digital advertising company which allows me to be anywhere in the world that has internet access. It is wonderful!

I have shared spaces with people who became my friends, I have taken care of the houses and pets of my friends and family, I was even the official babysitter of all my nephews hehe... all without using a platform, however I can't wait to start this new experience in Nomador and meet new people and discover the world.

You can know more about me on my Instagram profile https://www.instagram.com/mandymacfee/

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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