Adriana v.

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San Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador

Über Adriana v.

Office Coordinator

Hello everyone :)
We are Adriana and Chris, a young couple currently living and working in Qatar and looking for our new adventure!
Adriana is originally from El Salvador and USA. Chris is from the UK though he grew up in Germany.

We are currently looking for a long term house sit where we can start in the next 2 months or so and that is 3 months as a minimum. *Anywhere in the world*
Adriana runs her own small pet care business hence pet sitting is something we look forward to but not required. We are happy to assist with farm work, running a business, and obviously coordinating house keeping. Chris is a Sports Therapist and Personal Trainer by profession.
We are both seasoned travelers, have experience in admin and hospitality jobs and fluent in English. Adriana speaks Spanish and Chris speaks German as well :)

If you think we can be of any help for you please get in touch :)

Kind regards,
Adriana and Chris

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Chris, Personal Trainer/Therapist, Ehepartner / Partner

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