Arabella p.

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Playa Blanca, Canarias, Spain

Über Arabella p.

21 Jahre alt | Coach

Hi I'm Arabella, from the Canary Islands, born to British parents I can speak both Spanish and English. I also have some German.

I’m a trail blazing, freethinking self-education expert, world explorer and experience lover, devoted to learning about new cultures, people and ways in which we can all live our best life. I’m also an island hopping, vegetarian beach baby and devoted dog mum.

I'm hugely passionate about dogs in particular and set up a dog fundraiser charity in the Canary Islands at just 10 years old. We like especially to adopt the overlooked dogs from the local shelters such as very old ones whose owners have passed and disabled / poorly ones. Our most recent rescue is an unwell 12 year old french bulldog, we have a 3 leg canarian podenco too (hunting dog)

I am confident and caring with animals, I am calm in emergency animal situations. Some of the breeds I have grown up with include, poodle / bicon, maltese terriers, sausage dogs, poms, french and english bulldogs, american bull dogs, racing dogs, hunting dogs, corgis and spaniels. From very small toy breeds up to 40kilo strong dogs. I will love your dog like my own.

I'm trustworthy and very adaptable. Coming from a very well travelled business family, I know what it is like to leave your home and pets in the hands of a stranger and I know how important it is to give the home and pet owner great communication and peace of mind.

I do not drink alcohol and love to be outdoors so I can explore your local area with your dog/s and become best friends with them :)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Millie Dennis, 20 Jahre alt, student, Freund
Yannick Steffans, 21 Jahre alt, model, Ehepartner / Partner
david poxon, 50 Jahre alt, director, Andere

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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