Martyna s.

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Warsaw, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Martyna s.

35 Jahre alt | journalist | Als Familie

We are a couple in our thirties from Warsaw, Poland. We like people, animals and traveling. We are not typical tourists, we prefer to stay longer and feel like locals. That's why we came up with the idea of ​​taking care of houses and pets. We have used Nomador three times so far and we spent two wonderful months in Paris with lovely cats.
We also often take care of my sister's little dog, Homer, and my parents' cat, Filon. We treat animals as people - with respect, warmth and love.
We work as journalists in a newspaper and web portal. We are curious about the world and other people. We speak English and a little bit of French. Hope to meet you! Martyna and Michał

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Michał, 40 Jahre alt, journalist, Ehepartner / Partner
Julian, 1 Jahre alt, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Alf e.

Torrevieja, Spain - Mai 2024

Many thanks to Martyna and Michal for taking so good care of my cats and the house while I was away on work. They managed to navigate the somewhat challenging dynamics between my cats and at the same time keep them happy. Consequently I returned home to a happy and well fed furry trio! The house too was perfectly kept on my return. The cats and myself would be happy to have them back in the future.

Janaina P.

Paris, France - Oktober 2022

Martyna & Mickael kept our house perfectly. Our cats were cherished and very well cared for. For one of our cats Neko who is very fearful, during the heat wave, Martyna took the lead and proposed to leave water and food bowls in the room where he was hidden, so that he despite his fear can be watered and fed. When I came back my plants were also well fed with a resplendent green despite the month of heat wave they had to undergo. I recommend you this adorable couple that I hope to have the opportunity to exchange again.

Laurence j.

Saint-Ouen, France - August 2022

Vous pouvez avoir recours en toute confiance à Martyna et Mickaël pour garder votre logement, vos plantes et votre chat : cet adorable couple remplit sa tâche à merveille !

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