Julie k.

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Kotor, Kotor Municipality, Montenegro

Über Julie k.

49 Jahre alt | Retired

We are a couple in our 40's and 50's that are retired and traveling the world full time with our two pups. We live in AirBNB's full time when we are not visiting our home in Kotor, Montenegro. We do a YouTube channel, Warren Julie Travel with Us. We enjoy traveling across Europe and are excited to see the United Kingdom next summer and continue to explore Europe. https://www.youtube.com/c/TravelWithUsbyWarrenJulie/about
We consider ourselves to be top-notch pet parents. I make my dogs' food fresh every three days. They are not dogs to us, they are our fur children. We love animals and we value the time we spend with them. We are not looking to be paid. We are looking to enjoy Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and many other destinations within the U.K. We currently have paid accommodations through April 2023. Once our Schengen clock resets again after our time in the U.K, we would like to continue exploring Western Europe and Scandinavia. We require someone who is willing to accept all four of us in their home. We pride ourselves on having an excellent rating in AirBNB. Our pups are extremely well behaved.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Warren, 56 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

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