Julia m.

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Veldenz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Julia m.

27 Jahre alt | Social Media Manager (remote) | Allein

Hi! I'm Julia, 26 years old and I'm from Germany - originally from the Middle Moselle in Rhineland-Palatinate. As a digital nomad, I am regularly looking for new accommodations.

In case you don't know what the term "digital nomadism" means: I have chosen a lifestyle for myself in which I am not tied to a location, travel a lot or get to know many different places and work online while on the go.

When it comes to housesitting, I enjoy looking after cats and dogs the most - I grew up around cats and dogs so I know my stuff.

In total, I already made 5 housesits till now - and some of them took a few months. Here I cared sometimes for cats and sometimes for dogs, and there were already also some mices, I cared for. On Nomador, you can only find one testimonial, because I made the other housesits on some other housesitting plattforms.

I look forward to meeting you!


Hallo! Ich bin Julia, 26 Jahre alt und komme aus Deutschland - ursprünglich von der Mittelmosel in Rheinland-Pfalz. Als digitale Nomadin bin ich regelmäßig auf der Suche nach neuen Unterkünften.

Falls du mit dem Begriff "Digitales Nomadentum" nichts anfangen kannst: Ich habe für mich einen Lifestyle gewählt, bei dem ich ortsungebunden bin, viel reise bzw. viele verschiedene Orte kennenlerne und dabei von unterwegs aus online arbeite.

Beim Housesitting hab ich am meisten Freude daran, mich um Hunde und Katzen zu kümmern - mit Hunden und Katzen bin ich aufgewachsen, kenne mich also gut aus.

Insgesamt habe ich bereits 5 Housesits gemacht - teilweise über mehrere Monate hinweg. Dabei habe ich mich in der Regel um Hunde und Katzen gekümmert - Mäuse waren aber auch bereits dabei. Auf Nomador kannst du nur ein Testimonial bisher finden, da ich die anderen Housesits über andere Housesitting-Plattformen gemacht habe.

Ich freue mich darauf, dich kennenzulernen!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Corie s.

Greenville, United States - September 2022

Julia took care of our home and cat for 6 weeks while we were out of the country. She was even gracious enough to come a couple days early and sleep on the couch so we could show her around and get to know her a little which we found very helpful and reassuring. She asked reasonable questions about details of the house, the pet’s needs, and garden multiple times so that we knew she wanted to give it the best care she could. It was obvious from the get-go, that our pet and our house and property would be in very good hands with her. Julia is level-headed and mindful and we knew that it wouldn’t be a problem if she had visitors here. During our time away Julia communicated whenever something was out of the ordinary or needed special attention. The communication was clear and helpful, and knowing that everything here was okay allowed us to relax and focus on our family vacation. When we came back, Julia was kind enough to pick us up from the airport and graciously handled our jet-lag- and air travel-related issues during the car ride . The house was cleaner than we had left it and our cat was her normal, content self. The lawn was freshly mown and the garden was in good order. All in all we can highly recommend Julia as a friendly and reliable house/pet/garden-sitter and would very much welcome it, if she came back to help us out again in the future.

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