Kamil K.

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Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Kamil K.

29 Jahre alt | Digital Nomad | Als Paar/Duo

welcome to our profile, we appreciate you are taking the time to get to know us better!

We are proactive, honest couple housesitting full-time (for more than a year now) throughout Europe travelling by car.

1) Our experience through online platforms since starting our journey:
434 days spent housesitting, 12 completed sits, 2 confirmed upcoming sits.

In total cared for: 18 cats, 2 dogs, 5 chickens, 1 snake

The average duration of sit: 31 days
Longest sit: 101 days
Invitations for repeat sits:6

We have "only" 11 references despite doing this for over a year - it is mainly because we search for longer housesits, at least 14 days, so we don't have as "many" references as someone who accepts sits for just a few days.

We believe our references to be more valuable for homeowners, as it is a big difference in time and energy invested to have a 5* review for a housesit that took 3 months (or 14 days) to complete, compared to 3 days.

The longer sits also emphasize different qualities than shorter sits in our opinion - as shown by homeowners inviting us to do a repeat sits for them.

We can send the references upon request.

Working remotely on his own business and investments, enjoys driving, exercising, learning and interacting with animals - mainly engaging when they decide its play/cuddle time.

I also enjoy writing, and have the habit of writing long essays, as you might have seen in our application letter or on this profile :)

Her favourite ways to spend time are - anything creative - cooking food, singing, drawing, dancing, coming up with funny nicknames for anyone and anything :)

Big hobby is cleaning, as I used to clean professionally back in CZ - I find it relaxing and rewarding to have clean and tidy space to be in.
I have experience cleaning big properties, always striving to leave the house clean and tidy, as you can see in our references.

We both have experience with taking care of plants and as a hobby gardeners - you can count on us to take care of your plants properly.

Erika had cats as pets her whole life, Kamils family always had dogs, so we have plenty of experience taking care of them.
During our housesits we learned basics on how to administer medication, how to check and treat common problems.

We are both non-smokers, active drivers.

We love housesitting because we spend most of our time working on ourselves, striving to grow & become better every day - making housesitting the perfect lifestyle for us, as we spend majority of our time on the property, keeping company to the animals & plants.

Perphaps its good to emphasize a point in which we differ from many other house-sitters here - we are NOT ON A VACATION - it is a lifestyle for us.
We truly care about your house & pets, and we find the end of sits the most stresfull, as we have to leave our new animal friends behind.

We both enjoy communication (updating the owners frequently), hiking, cooking (and eating) new food and chilling with animals (being present when there is an animal around is one of the most rewarding activities for us)

Based on our experiences, we are always very respectful of other people's homes, and love to show gratefulness by taking care of everything to the best of our abilities.

We approach life with a win/win philosophy and do our responsibilities diligently.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Erika, 32 Jahre alt, In-house, Ehepartner / Partner

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