Dayale d.

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Zoetermeer, South Holland, Netherlands

Über Dayale d.

44 Jahre alt | Petsitter & Carer


My name is Daya, I am 42 years old and mother of a 24 year old daughter. I live with my husband (53), cat (12) and dog (4) crossbred mountain dog shepherd in Zoetermeer, the Netherlands.

I like to travel, sometimes I do this together with my daughter or my husband. I love taking care of all pets, so I thought why not combine this. I work from home as a part-time Customer Contact Employee (12 hours a week) where I can organize my hours myself. I do this behind my PC. In addition, I am a pet sitter & carer and do this with great pleasure.

I am reliable, loyal and responsible. I have a clean police check and a reference. I have taken care of a detached house in the Netherlands with 2 dogs and 2 cats. I liked this very much.

I like to be surrounded by nature, enjoy the environment, the peace and quiet and the animals. I am happy to look after your house if it is a clean house, a separate room and a good warm double bed to sleep in. Electricity, hot water & cooking facilities. That all living facilities are present in the house. Login codes Guest Wi-Fi. This is important because I work at home behind my PC and like the internet. No unexpected visitors at home. Being able to receive my own visit. Being able to close the house. A manual with instructions and agreements home, care of pets on paper and their passport. For emergency veterinary information. A locked cabinet or room with information and things you don't want to share. That your neighbors are aware of the presence of the house sitter.

During the sitting days I feed all your pets, I do the daily care, I walk the dogs at the desired times. At least 3 times a day. We go out every afternoon (sniffing routes). Keeping the pets clean, keeping the house clean and the daily care. I have no experience with animals such as horses, sheep, ponies, but I am willing to learn. ( no snake please).

I can drive a car, bicycle or scooter. I'm not a tourist, I don't smoke, don't like to be drunk or do drugs. I am not a party animal or busy personality. Neither does my husband or daughter. Sometimes they also come along to adjust. I enjoy walking, cycling, skating and taking care of the animals. I also do crafts, painting, taking photos, making videos and I also make accessories such as collars, etc. Netflix, good food, sauna, travel, flowers and nature also make me happy.

I do ask for a fee. This is negotiable.

If this is what you are looking for, please contact me.

Kind regards,

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jeanet Burnet, 26 Jahre alt, Selfemployed, Kind
Marco v Harsel, 55 Jahre alt, IT, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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