Trish M.

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Paphos, Paphos, Cyprus

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Trish M.

74 Jahre alt | I.T. Consultant/Teacher | Allein

I am Trish, a retired I.T. consultant/teacher (now a student of Greek & Spanish and motor-cycling) with over 20 years of house-sitting experience. I enjoy looking after pets, plants, gardens and homes as if they were my own with great respect for all!

I am familiar with basic house repair, swimming pool cleaning and gardening activities. I am responsible, quiet, clean and a non-smoker. House sitting gives me the opportunity to see new places as if I were a local. So, looking after the house, pets or garden is definitely fair-exchange!

I have lived in Mexico, South/Central America, Spain, Egypt, Holland, U.S.A., Malaysia and Cyprus for many years, as well as all the tropical locations we have travelled to. I am used to all kinds of tropical reptiles, snakes and so on! There are few shocks or surprises!

Why do I want to house sit

I would like to ensure that you can enjoy totally your time away from home and have peace of mind. Using simple-every-day technology, such as , , or WeChat. You could see your home and 'talk' to your pets via the internet. I can send daily updates with photos/videos if you'd like to know how your loved 'ones', plants and flowers are doing in real time.

What a wonderful option to have in life!! Who wouldn't like to be able to do this - if they could! What an opportunity to make new friends all over the world while at the same time seeing new places ensuring that the homeowners can enjoy their well-earned break away having peace of mind! This is priceless!

My experience

I have experience of what it's like to be away, wondering how things are back home, I appreciate your concerns & would strive to put your mind completely at peace!

I have been involved in many changes of location throughout the world. This afforded me much experience in dealing with apartment/house maintenance, analyzing water leaks, lack of power, infestation and general issues; calling in the best people to resolve any situation and/or fixing it myself

I am professional, mature, and caring – a nature lover and I love and respect all 'beings'. I have some previous experience in house sitting and I know what I would expect from someone house sitting for us - so I would give the same in return!

I am very fit, as I do yoga, and Pilates and I also walk a lot. This enables me to be active with the pets, should they wish, and to maintain my energy level! I am taking motor-cycle lessons and enjoy studying Greek and Spanish, rollerblading & trampolining amongst other hobbies.

I have house sat in: U.K., Holland, Ireland, Spain, Greece, Egypt, Vietnam, Australia, Mexico, Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, Aruba, Bali, Cyprus, Chile

Holland for a month ensuring the house was clean, tidy and secure, watering the garden and the flowers.

Egypt - Cairo for 2 weeks, ensuring the apartment was secure, watering the plants, and keeping the house clean and tidy.

Spain - Vigo, different periods over a few years. I ensured that the apartment, was secure, kept clean and the plants watered. South of Spain looking after 2 rescue dogs, and 2 cats.

Ireland - Kerry, on a small holding looking after, 3 Jack-Russells' and 3 hens.

U.K. - Great Yarmouth ensuring the security of the bungalow, watering the garden and flowers, and keeping the bungalow clean and tidy. London, looking after a cat. London, looking after a cat.

Australia - Adelaide - looking after a cat named Sita with many balcony house plants. The temperatures soared to 46 degrees centigrade creating a challenge keeping the plants hydrated but this was accomplished successfully. The apartment was kept clean and tidy and left in very good order. Sydney – looking after 2 cocker spaniels, Hunter and Becky, keeping the house and grounds clean and tidy, managing the post and parcels. Brisbane - looking after 3 dogs. Melbourne, looking after a dog and cat.

Vietnam - looking after a cat who required eye drops and a dog.

Mexico - In Merida looking after a cat, swimming pool and tropical garden. In Michoacán, looking after cats and dogs twice. One dog was operated on for a tumor and required special care.

Panama - looking after 7 rescue dogs

Ecuador - looking after 3 indoor cats in Cuenca

Aruba - looking after 3 dogs and 6 cats

Colombia - looking after a blind dog and a cat - Bali - looking after 6 dogs and 3 puppies. Various in Cyprus. Dec. 2022 - Jan 2023 Chile with Mimi the cat.

Pets would never be lacking love! In Cairo, I adopted a street puppy and had him living with me until it was necessary to return him to his 'roots'. In Cyprus, We feed feral cats.

All reviews/references 2013 - 2023 are available below:

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Englisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Ilona h.

Oranjestad, Aruba - März 2019

We couldn’t have asked for nicer people to entrust our pets with than Trish and Mike! Communication was excellent from the first contact, then again while we were on our trip (they regularly sent pictures and videos of the pets, which we appreciated a lot!), and lastly at the handover of the house (Trish made sure we had something to eat and a nice bottle of wine upon our return). Trish’s experience in house- and petsitting shows clearly in the way she took to the instructions for the care of the house and to the (many) pets. Both Trish and Mike have a great affinity and love for animals and it was a pleasure to have them at our place. It was a great relief to us knowing our house and especially the pets were in good and safe hands. We would highly recommend Trish and Mike as housesitters.

Lorna c.

Fuengirola, Spain - September 2017

We were very grateful to have Trish stay at our home for 6 weeks. I think she found our 7 dogs a bit too boisterous but all was well. Her knowledge of Spanish helped her here in Panama and all was well when we returned.

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