Amina g.

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León, Castile and León, Spain

Über Amina g.

27 Jahre alt | Student

Hey there and welcome to my profile.
I would like to introduce myself first, I'm a 25 years old woman. I was was born in Morocco, but raised in Spain, my family and I moved to the north-center of Spain when I was about 4/5 years old. After I finished high school I went to the city to start studying administration and business, I did an Erasmus in Ghent (Belgium) to continue with my business studies, but I couldn't finish them. So I stayed there working
in multiple jobs as a waitress, in a dog and cat shelters, stores...
I also worked as well as a nanny and did an aupair during a summer in London.
After that, I decided to enroll at an online Spanish university to study the degree of psychology.
I consider myself a curious person, very social person that can easily make friends, I love learning, reading books, and enjoy crime TV shows and podcast. I also like doing exercise.
I love to work with people, but I also love to work with animals.
I can speak 3 languages: Spanish, English and French. I'm also really interested in learning new languages, the culture and the country.
I love to explore nature and new places.
I have a driving license, and I consider myself a good driver.
I'm a vegetarian but I try to eat as much vegan as I can.
I am a big fan of cats and chocolate, that's probably the most important thing to know about me.
Hope you enjoyed reading this and any questions, always message me. Would appreciate very much any feedback.
Have a good day.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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