Daniela l.

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Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain


Über Daniela l.

33 Jahre alt | Life Coach & Meditation Teacher | Allein

Hi! My name is Daniela and this is my partner Mark.

I am originally from Colombia and grew up in Spain and Mark is from Canada.

We are a couple in our thirties. I’m a Life Coach and Mark is a Behaviour Change Technologist. We both work online and have for several years.

During our travels, we had the privilege of volunteering with various animal organizations. In India, we had the opportunity to provide care and assistance for dozens of stray dogs and cats.

We are both experienced in taking care of cats, dogs, and other animals. I personally worked as a Dog Trainer and a Pet Groomer for a few years. So, animals have always been a big part of my life.

For reference here is a link to my old pet sitting profile:

We love to travel and it is one of our dreams to continue exploring the world.
We have been delaying our wish of having a pet because we understand the challenges of traveling with one.

We feel that using this service gives us the best of both worlds. We can travel and enjoy the unconditional love and company of a pet. Feeling at home, every step of the way.

We both grew up with cats and dogs, and for us, a house isn’t a home without a furry buddy. We hope to care for your pets as if they were a member of our family.

We thank you for considering us and we look forward to meeting you and your babies!!

With love and gratitude,
Dani and Mark

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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