Jessie martha c.

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Göttingen, Lower Saxony, Germany

Über Jessie martha c.

67 Jahre alt | English and French teacher

I have lived with cats from newborns to geriatric and ailing from my early childhood in Toronto, Canada, and in Germany, where I now live, I cared for 4 ill seniors till their passing. Two I adopted knowing they were quite old and needing special care – cancer, kidney failure, etc. I do not have cats now, as I am travelling a bit and I would prefer not to leave them during that time.. I was a French teacher in Toronto and now in Germany I teach English. I am fluent as well in German, speak and read Spanish, know some Italian and read 3 dead languages for my research work here, which is on theology and the history of religions (anthropologically and systematically). I am working on a PhD in the Philosophy of Religion (U. Toronto). I am a quiet person (but quite friendly), responsible and respectful of others; and I have a very lively sense of humour. I have a very good record with Air BnB, whom I have used many times. I owned a house in Toronto but sold it to move to Germany in 2008 (and now have dual citizenship). My interests include cats, art of all kinds, classical music and jazz, dance, film, theatre, reading (fiction and non-fiction, especially history, health-books and philosophy), and language-study (including translation). I have travelled to the US, Canada (including the Arctic), the UK, Ireland, Belgium, France, Spain, Italy, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Austria and Switzerland. I am vegetarian but tolerant of others' views. Interested in wines, beers and single malt scotches. In my heart I am about 12, but my passport says I am 65 (with no health issues at all). Officially retired (from Toronto Board of Education) but still working in languages because I love it.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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