Gabriella m.

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Über Gabriella m.

27 Jahre alt | Social Worker

I’ve been house sitting for many years now and never thought to combine my love of travel and house/pet sitting until now. I absolutely love house sitting homes with pets as I have always grown up with animals and love to care for all kinds. My friend and I aspire to travel while we still can while also giving back to community members and their lovely fur children. I am pretty flexible within Toronto and can likely accommodate any dates, house-sits abroad will likely be more firm on dates. I am willing and able to care for multiple pets, including reptiles and fish (in fact I have betta fish of my own that I love and care for properly and humanely). I am also a HUGE plant lover and would love to care for your plants while you're away. I am pretty flexible and happy to adjust to meet any of your house/pet sitting needs! :)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Rachel Cheung, Social Worker, Freund

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Portugiesisch

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