Adriana V.

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Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Adriana V.

67 Jahre alt | Professional Nurse | Als Paar/Duo

We are a mature retired couple who really loves animals. Adri used to work as a Registered Nurse in South Africa, while Rudie managed projects at Ford SA. We've been on this journey since 2021 and have done quite a few sits, ranging from South Africa to the Netherlands. Rudie has certificates in pet psychology as well as pet CPR. We are currently doing a 6-month pet sit in Cape Town, South Africa, and will be back in Europe from 4 October 2023. We are both fully vaccinated, non-smokers and we do not consume alcohol. We also do not have our own pets.

We are active members of Trusted House Sitters (THS) and have 5-star reviews for all. I have copied and pasted a few below:

Carlyn - Enschede, Netherlands
16 Jan - 6 Feb 2023
Rudi and Adri were absolutely WONDERFUL! They managed to win our cats over in a really short time, took wonderful care of them and our apartment. We had two major issues at our apartment, which they handled with care and ease until the repairs could be done. I received many updates and videos and when we had returned home, our apartment was spotless, new linen had been put on our bed and we had flowers on our table. They have left an impression on us and especially our cats. I cannot thank them enough for everything they had done, over and above what was agreed and expected. We would have them back in a heartbeat if it were possible!

Gaby - Utrecht, Netherlands
18 Dec 2022 - 14 Jan 2023

Rudie and Adri were great house sitters. The communication before and during the sit was clear. They are kind, positive and warm hearted people. We got frequent updates on how our dog Rafi was doing. Most important to us, Rafi liked them and he was very well cared for during our holidays. Rudie walked with him via our regular walking schedule and comforted Rafi during the fireworks on new years eve. The house was clean and tidy when we got home. Adri had even put in extra effort to clean our oven and she proudly saved some of our indoor plants! We recommend
them as house sitters. Thank you so much Rudie and Adri!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Rudolf van der Wielen, 68 Jahre alt, Pensioner, Ehepartner / Partner

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