Sylvia & Patrick

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Weesp, North Holland, Netherlands

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Sylvia & Patrick

53 Jahre alt | Primary School Teacher & Teacher Trainer | Als Paar/Duo

We are an active non-smoking couple circling 50s with lots of experience taking care of, caring for and pampering pets, small farm animals, plants and vegetable gardens.
Currently I work as a teacher trainer and teacher coach in the Netherlands after having worked as a school teacher at international schools around the world. Patrick works as a creative retoucher running his own company.

I have lived abroad for over 20 years and Patrick joined me half way through. We returned back to the Netherlands five years ago to be closer to family. We live in a lovely old 17th century apartment, unfortunately without garden and pets. Since we both grew up surrounded by pets and do miss taking care of plants and animals, we love to take care of them during our holidays. If we can help out others by doing so, we will enjoy it twice as much.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Patrick, 49 Jahre alt, Creative Retoucher, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Virginie S.

Plombières-lès-Dijon, France - August 2024

Sylvia and Patrick are really very welcoming, warm and very pleasant people, it was a real pleasure to meet them and leave our house and our animals to them. During our trip, we gave them all our trust, we don't need to communicate a lot during our holiday, because everything was ok before our departure.. We give everyone time to enjoy and when we return, our garden, our animals (the chickens the cats the fish and the axolotl) everyone was very well. The garden was very good also and thé green house and home were watered regularly. We see that they took care of our house and it was very pleasant. The first Time for me to not be stressed during our holiday! they received us on our return with a meal which was also really nice and It was so relaxing for us to arrive without having this added stress. You can really trust them for an experience.

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