Denise t.

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Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Über Denise t.

45 Jahre alt | Graphic Designer

I grew up with animals and share my flat with (since last year unfortunately only) a cat. Cats, dogs, a foster pony, guinea pigs, a wingless pigeon, budgies and also a rescued pair of chickens have accompanied me since my childhood. Old, young, cheeky, shy, needy and also sick animals taught me to adjust to their individual needs and to givethem space and/or care. After my studies I worked as a temp for two years at the animal emergency service in Berlin ( i have no professional veterinary knowledge) and also cleaned for years at a dear couples place with cats. I love to cuddle with animals, but I can also leave them be. As especially cats often need some time to adjust.

I have a driver's license and a car, I do a lot of sports and eat little to no meat, in case you don't like to have it in your fridge. German is my mother tongue, I speak fluent English and Dutch and very basic French. I have traveled several continents, partly alone, and am vaccinated against tetanus, rabies etc. and Covid19 several times. And i have a liability insurance. So if you are looking for a down to earth, calm and pragmatic person 40+ with life experience, we are probably a good fit.

Sometimes I like to smoke a cigarette with a glass of wine in the evening, but never smoke in the house. I am too old for partying and go to sleep and get up early ;).

I am looking for a quiet, rural place for 7-10 days from September 9th until November, preferably at the sea or water. I love to walk your dog for hours, cuddle with your cat in on the couch or play with them. Things that are important to me are that the accommodation is clean, and that I have my own sleeping and cooking facility, as well as my own bathroom. I like honest, respectful and direct communication. For occasional online work I do need a stable internet connection.

From Berlin I can drive up to about 700 km to the sit. Also I can get affordable flights to Paris, Marseille, Nice, Toulouse, Rome, and would even rent a car there if the offer is very tempting ;).

If you are interested, let´s get in touch and to know each other by a video call!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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