Nataša M.

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Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Über Nataša M.

31 Jahre alt | master of laboratory biomedicine

I strive to live life to the fullest - taking in each beautiful moment spent in nature or with people I care about. I love meeting new people and find inspiration in everyone who has the guts to walks through life like Frank Sinatra. ;)
I love cats and dogs, but I am generally also a human who loves to learn new things and is not afraid of (almost) anything. :) Ok, anything besides snakes. They unfortunately freak me out, so I would not be able to take care of them, sorry.
I would be happy to go to any place and take great care of your pets, just as long as public transport is somewhat close nearby as I do not own a car.
I feel a great sense of responsibility, so if you do trust me with your house/&pets, I would try the hardest to do everything you asked me as well as possible. :)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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