Dj f.

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Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

Über Dj f.

55 Jahre alt | International NGO

Hello! I am an expat living in Switzerland with stints in Kenya and The Republic Georgia. I grew up on a small farm near Seattle. I love animals and plants, am a respectful, non-smoker, quiet and easy going. I work at the nexus of climate change and humanitarian development. I excel at communication and will keep you updated on your pets, plants, and home.

I am a Habitat for Humanity team leader and have built homes in Vietnam, India, Nepal, Guatemala, Cambodia and the US. I have worked in disaster response in Haiti, Japan and the Philippines and have a well-developed skill set that is solution-orientated, resilient and flexible. I know how to handle the unexpected and keep calm in an emergency. Most importantly, I know how to connect with folks from all walks of life (including furry friends) to make everyone feel safe and at ease.

I can speak beginner French but have a long way go. Je peux parler débutant Français mais j’ai un long chemin à parcourir.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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