Sabina b.

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Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Sabina b.

45 Jahre alt | translator | Allein

I am Sabina (44) and I am an addicted catslave and a digital nomad (traveling and working on-line). As I travel a lot, I can’t have my own cat (I mean a cat can not own me), so, for my fix, I need to spoil other people’s cats (ergo many cats own me).
The first cat-dose was my black tomcat Jerry. He kept me high for 19 years. Since then I do not miss a chance to interact with any cat that is luckily crossing my path.
Living a while in Asia made it easy to satisfy my cat craving at any time of the day and night and in virtually any place, but coming back to Europe for a while threw me in cold water! It was difficult to find my drug!
So I asked an animal rescue to foster 2 cats from their shelter and then I answered a catsitting request on an expats group and then more catsitting followed and I even singed up for catsitting apps. I created the FB page Internationalcatsittersabina in order to show potential new cat owners how it would be if they would allow me to sit their cat(ts) (and homes), as I understand how difficult it is to leave your furry baby to a stranger. We can also videochat upfrontor meet if it is geographically possible.
Of course I will feed your baby strictly according to your plan, clean it's litter box, play with it and cuddle as much as he or she allows. You will get daily updates including photos. We can also videochat during my stay if you want to. and if I have any doubts I will prefer to ask you than do anything with your cat or house that we did not agree upfront.
I will of course keep your home clean, as I also expect a clean and safe apartment/house. Will also water your plants/bring in the mail if needed. I will respect your home, use only the facilities and rooms you allow me to use, will not cook maybe at all or just some small, fast food that does not create unpleasant smells, will use electricity, water, gas mindfully, also out of ecological reasons.
I am 3x vaccinated, plus recently recovered from covid. I do not smoke.

Why I want to house sit?
I need cats in my life and I travel flexibly and work on-line as a translator. What better solution would there be than cat and housesitting?

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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