Sviatoslav B.

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Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Sviatoslav B.

29 Jahre alt | Business consultant | Allein

Welcome here!

I am Sviatoslav, an experienced house / animal sitter with ~1 year of pure house-sitting time (don't hesitate to ask about my references from other platforms).

I am an animal lover and had in my life a lot of animals: cats, dogs, birds, rodents and different farm animals.
So I hope my experience will be helpful to you :)

Little bit of general info about me:
I'm 28 years old.
MSc in applied physics and math (scientist in the past).
Nowadays, I am Business Consultant / Data Analyst.

I am a neat, tidy, and quiet person, who cares about house property and respect haus rules.
Lead a healthy lifestyle.

But at the same time an open and active person with a lot of hobbies who tries new things!
I lived in 7 countries, so if you are interested in my experience - don't hesitate to ask me :)

Here I try to achieve 3 targets:
1) Help people with taking care of their animals
2) Spend time with animals
3) Travel, exploring new areas, and making new friends :)

I can provide help with different things, starting with animal sitting with full animal care:
- Providing food and drinks
- Cleaning / changing the toilet
- Cuddles, play and walk (if requires)
- Providing medication + any treatment if they require (my animals knowledge, have a subscription to online vet help + visit vet clinics if require)
- Extra things they require

Continuing with household stuff (watering plants, checking the mailbox, taking care of the property (and even repairing if I can) and etc.)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Russisch | Deutsch

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