Raigo t.

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Pärnu, Pärnu County, Estonia

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Raigo t.

25 Jahre alt | Entrepeneur

We - Raigo & Jete - are exploring the world to get insipration for buiding our own life, house and business on a small Kihnu island in Estonia we live on. Our cat named Täpi and dog, named Safran, who we got from the shelter, will wait for us with my parents when we go exploring the wide world for the winter. Our daily life consists of living close to nature, with nature and growing our own food which also includes having chickens. My (Raigo’s) family has always had a flock of sheep since I was a kid. Doing farm work on island where you know everyone and where people instead of locking the door support broom against it when leaving home has gave me a good sense of well functioning community where you take each other into account. My partner Jete has been riding a horse for 6 years but besides that she’s a cat whisperer. Jete, likewise me, has been surrounded by nature for as long as she can remember herself. Her father had a farm with cows, so there’s knowledge about animals and also farm animals for both of us.

To see our nature IG: https://www.instagram.com/vahetevahel/

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jete, 24 Jahre alt, Copywriter, Ehepartner / Partner

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