Deepica leela k.

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Adliswil, Zurich, Switzerland

Über Deepica leela k.

53 Jahre alt | Mediumistic and Sensitive Life Coach

Hi, my name is DEEP, abbreviation for Deepica. I was born in Sri Lanka and grew up in Switzerland. I speak fluent Swiss German, German and English.
I love travelling, animals, nature, water like oceans/seas/lakes/rivers, writing, singing, cooking and of course my work as a mediumistic and sensitive life coach.
I am an optimist by nature, I laugh a lot and with pleasure!
It's such a delight during my travels to meet new people and hear their life stories, spend time with animals, to get to know the country with its cultural treasures and beautiful nature, to have new experiences and to broaden my own horizon in the process.
To be in service fulfils me very much, to treat people, animals as well as nature with appreciation and respect is natural for me.
My curiosity and joy to experience other ways of life, to get to know countries and pets is a great enrichment for me.
It is close to my heart to continue to offer the pets an optimal atmosphere, care, love, affection, play and fun despite temporary separation from their owners. Also always with the awareness that no one is replaceable and that pets too have feelings and can miss their loved ones dearly!
My heart for animals is big!
In my experience as a pet and house sitter, animals are a great enrichment to society and life in general. They are honest and loyal companions. They don't let themselves be fooled. Cuddling them, talking to them, going for walks in nature, to take care of them etc. in other words, spending time with them is not only fulfilling but also strengthens social skills.
I was lucky enough to gain a lot of experience with dogs. My ex-husband had a service dog and I often took part in the training sessions. Later, when we had 2 other dogs privately (not service dogs anymore), I took over the training because it was important to me that our dogs learned basic obedience when I took them for walks. Also because our daughter was still very small at that time and I wanted to make sure that our dogs (German and Belgian shepherd) didn't get too impetuous when playing with her. They loved each other dearly!
Several cats have also found a home with us and some even lived to be over 20 years old.
Since I've been travelling regularly (soon to be 10 years), I'm always meeting cats and dogs, whether at someone's home or living on the street. This is a lot of fun for me!
But when I lived in Sri Lanka for 7 years, I unfortunately experienced how badly people treat dogs and cats there. This m

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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