Laurent s.

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Nanton, Alberta, Canada

Über Laurent s.

70 Jahre alt | Safety Professional

We are a mid-60's couple, Brenda still on occasion does palliative care, and I am a semi-retired Safety Professional with a B of SC in Health and Safety Management.
I left Canada at the age of 21 for overseas assignments and worked in numerous countries in Europe, North Sea, Eastern Block countries, Africa and also in Australia for 20 plus years, before returning to Canada on a permanent basis. My former spouse and I raised 3 sons who are all self-employed. As life has it our relationship ended and I was very fortunate to meet Brenda my life-long partner who also raised three children. Altogether we have 11 grandchildren and blessed with 2 great grandchildren with two more on the way.
Brenda and I have travelled extensively on an international basis and enjoy Latin American countries where I am fortunate to speak the language relatively well. We own a home in Honduras and currently rent it out to International School Teachers, and this is a big reason for wanting to immerse ourselves in the wonderful world of house sitting and taking care of pets.
We have an affinity to travel and to see new horizons and since we are pet lovers and know the concerns for pet care givers ourselves, we felt this would be a great way to allow other pet owners some holiday freedom. Why house sitting--we enjoy the warm weather that offsets our Canadian winters.
Although we have not officially house sat on an international basis we are experienced pet care givers. While owning our acreage we had several dogs, multiple cats, horses, peacocks, African long-neck geese, exotic chickens and believe it or not built a fish pond and raised Koi fish. Now that we have retired and sold our acreage we live in a condo environment with two furry pets Smokey and Snowy which were farm rescue kittens our grandson found. We bottle fed these two since they were three weeks old and they are now 7 years old.
Historically we were both raised in an agricultural environment and so animals were as much our part of live as having brothers and sisters!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Brenda, 70 Jahre alt, Palliative Care, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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