Josie elaine b.

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Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Josie elaine b.

71 Jahre alt | Organisational Psychologist

Hi, my name is Josie and I am a very experienced house sitter having sat more than 40 houses over the last 13 years all over the world from Norway to Hungary to the Caribbean and USA.

I am Scottish but have lived in Australia for over 25 years. Being a fit and healthy 65 year old who has recently retired with a longing to travel I am spending some time in Scotland and using as a base to go house sitting around the world! Wonderful - even if it does rain most of the time!

I am very good with animals and volunteer at a wildlife rescue organisation. I have mainly looked after dogs and cats but also llamas, ducks, hens, sheep, fish, horses, birds.... the list goes on. I like looking after dogs as it means lots of walks and walking without a dog (or two) is just not the same. There were such great walks in Scotland and having dogs has helped me experience them. I have also enjoyed being in the cities where I have mainly cared for cats - up to four at a time. As you can tell I have had dogs and cats at home most of my life

I love house / pet sitting and most people do ask me back again and recommend me to their friends. It continues to be a wonderful experience and I always look forward to staying in new locations. I love to travel but I don't like being a tourist. I would rather get to know one place well than visit ten briefly. I also like the opportunity to still have contact with animals while I am away.

My background is as an Organisational Psychologist consultant and I ran my own business for 25 years which means that I am very responsible and trustworthy because if I was not my clients would have gone elsewhere!

I have owned my own house for 30 years and lived alone for many years. I know how important looking after a home is and have experience in doing so. After I semi-retired I moved from a city house to an 8 acre property in the country with water tanks and pumps which I maintain and keep as fire proof as possible.

I bring a wide range of experiences from the couple whom I house sit for regularly in Australia who have five retrievers (which I walk twice a day) and three cats, to the large properties with llamas and sheep, to city houses which need to be kept immaculate and free from animal hair.

I always speak to the owners first to ensure I understand their needs and take lots of notes so I don't forget anything. I leave the house clean and refreshed ready for your return.

I can provide references, have police clearance and

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Patricia M.

กทม, Thailand - Dezember 2023

Josie took care of my four cats while I was away for a week. She fell ill after a grueling flight but still remained responsible that all cats were in good care. Josie is diligent, thoughtful, and friendly. I recommend her!

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