Chloé d.

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Sombreffe, Wallonia, Belgium

Über Chloé d.

27 Jahre alt | Mathématicienne

I'm a young adventurous Belgian girl who just finished her master in mathematics and who dreams of discovering the riches that nature can offer in each country. I love to meet new people, exchange moments, stories, experiences with them. Nature, mountains, forests, animals make me happy. I am new to the platform but I am looking forward to discovering all these new opportunities that are offered to me.

My native language is French but I also speak English. Obviously, I like animals. At my parent's house, we have a dog, a cat, my horse, two lamas and we also had rabbits, chickens, turkeys, peacocks, etc. I'm don't have any experience with reptile and NAC but I'm not afraid of them so I'm open to new experiences if you explain to me how to take care of them.

I love be in contact with animals, take care of them, play with them and, or course, cuddle them a lot. I love walking in the forest or hiking in the mountains. I like just about everything that has to do with nature. I have been playing the piano since I was 8 years old and I am also passionate about photography.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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