Sampuran k.

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Thermopolis, Wyoming, United States

Über Sampuran k.

78 Jahre alt | Innkeeper | Allein

I am an independent, active single woman who has traveled and lived all over the world. I travel alone and am dedicated to being the best caregiver possible for those who entrust their home and pets to my care.
• I am very flexible for dates and open to new adventures on short notice.
• I have my own van and like to drive to destinations when possible.
• I was raised with horses and cats and have personally raised registered Rottweiler dogs in the past.
• I currently regularly housesit for my neighbor who travels constantly.
• For 5 years, I have been a superhost in my own home with an impeccable reputation for Airbnb travelers
and understand the importance of treating YOUR home and family with love and respect.
• In Hawaii, I was a trusted, live-in caretaker of a mansion on Kailua Beach, Oahu, for three years whose owners resided on the mainland. I lived happily in a separate studio apartment over the garage and cared for the property.

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