Jaana H.

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Jijona, Valencian Community, Spain

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Jaana H.

63 Jahre alt | Finland | Allein

Hi, I'm a Finnish woman, Jaana. The real home is in Finland. I'm looking for something nice to do and I like to travel. I now combine pets and travel. I am free to travel around Europe. I come from North Finland, where there is more than a meter of snow in winter. Slalom is a big part of childhood and youth. Yoga is wonderful, everything related to exercise and well-being. Not forgetting the goodies! I read a lot, knit socks. I'm always curious to see life, I'm open. I travel a lot and now I have a little Shih-tzu girl Aino 1 year old with me. Loves cats and enjoys playing with other dogs. Easy! We have made a sitter together and it works. You get recommendations, I'm active on another platform and now it's time to switch. I got full marks for all of them. My home is always clean, I cook myself, my dog ​​is tidy and clean inside. Always. Normal adult, responsible woman. No party, no smoke. Only enjoy my life. Sorry for the English language. A translator will help.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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