Brendan l.

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Albany, Western Australia, Australia

Über Brendan l.

41 Jahre alt | Carpenter

Hi there!

Welcome to our little/big world of wonder.

I'm Brendan, and with my partner Sarah, and our son Jarrah, we hope to get to know you!

I'm a company director of my own carpentry business in Australia. Sarah has worked in many fields but her passion is within the holistic world.

We're embarking on a year long trip through Europe to introduce our little boy to as many different cultures and places as possible. Myself 40, I have travelled and worked all around the world, Sarah 33, has worked in her home country of Germany, and in Australia.

We met in a little coastal town of western Australia, and embarked on our own journey!

We lived in a national park in a very primitive cottage, swaged our way all around western Australia, and ended up planting our roots in southern WA.

We will have a housesitter of our own looking after our home, our big vegetable garden, and our dear dog Macie! So we can totally understand the importance of finding the right people for the home, and pet!

For fun, we enjoy the outdoors, the beach, the forest, hiking, surfing, but also love the comfort of home.

Our little boy is going to have many passport stamps and we can't wait to open his mind and heart to everyone we meet along the way!

Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions!

Happy travels ✌?

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Sarah, 34 Jahre alt, Holistic counsellor , Ehepartner / Partner
Jarrah, 2 Jahre alt, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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