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Bristol, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Natalie

36 Jahre alt | Drama Teacher Student | Als Familie

I am currently studying to be a Drama Teacher and absolutely love travelling. I have also spent time as a Nanny and Support Worker where I have been responsible for pets and a home, along with previously having pets/ and a home of my own, so I’m more than capable of looking after your beautiful animals and homes, I understand it must be difficult handing over the keys to your precious homes and pets so I’d like to reassure you that your home will be looked after perfectly.
I would be more than happy to have calls/FaceTimes with you during your time away so you still get to see your beautiful animals.

I am a Mother to a beautiful baby Arlo, I would like to give him the opportunity to travel with me to many places over their first few years of life, I think this will be an invaluable experience for a baby. You can guarantee with a little baby in tow there will be no crazy parties!
Just to clarify, it will just be me and the baby x

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