Shilpa R.

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Honolulu, Hawaii, United States

Über Shilpa R.

49 Jahre alt | Self employed

We are a humble family of four living in Honolulu, HI. My husband, John, and I operate our small family business selling high-end handmade all-natural fashion and textiles. Our daughter, Sienna is 7 years old, loves school, going to the beach, and being a great big sister to baby brother Samar. Due to last two years of international lockdowns and travel restrictions, we just closed our retail physical location to spend more time with the kids, enjoy a couple of world travel experiences and focus more towards online sales. John and I are hoping this pivot to an online business will soon allow us to have more time at home and take on the responsibility of caring for our own pet. John loved growing up with dogs and cats as a child and we both want to give our kids that experience. We have pet sit for our friends and neighbors, which Sienna always gets excited about. Daisy is our friends’ puppy that our daughter is walking in the pictures. Traveling is also an experience we rarely get to have, but when it comes we enjoy it to the fullest. We are new to the TrustedHouseSitters platform, and we are hoping it will allows to enjoy many new experiences all over the world while also being trusted caretakers of others’ homes and their furry family members. We recognize that not all pets are good with families; we'd want to pet sit for those animals good with small children.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
John, 45 Jahre alt, Self employed, Ehepartner / Partner
Sienna, 9 Jahre alt, Kind
Samar, 2 Jahre alt, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Hindi

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