Mayara d.

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Santa Catarina, Brazil

Über Mayara d.

31 Jahre alt | Human Resources


My name is Mayara Souza, I`m 29 years old and a Brazilian woman, vaccinated (three doses), and passionate about traveling, living new experience and meeting new people.

Now, I`m traveling around the United Kingdom, sharing experiences with locals and other travelers, learning English, getting to know the local culture and gastronomy and sharing a lit bit about my culture too.

Recently, I stayed from 3 months with a family (Newmarket/England) taking care of the animals (Dogs, Cat, Chickens and Horses). Every day I changed the water, fed them, cleaned their space and walked/played ball twice or three times with the dogs.

One of the dogs and the cat were using controlled medication and because of the ease with them, I was responsible for this task as well.

Also, I had the opportunity to take care of the house at different times when the family travelled.

I have a host recommendation on the Helpx website but if it's important I can share her contact so you can get in touch.

Thank you for reading my profile.

Best regards,
Mayara Souza.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Portugiesisch

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