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Chelem, Yucatan, Mexico

Über Joseph

57 Jahre alt | Retired | Als Paar/Duo

As former house and pet owners we understand what it's like to leave our home and beloved pets with strangers. We know first hand the concerns and even the fears that accompany having someone house and pet sit for us.
Will our pets be well cared for and loved the way we love them? Will our home and our possessions be safe? Will our plants be alive when we return? Will our house be dirty or stink?
Will anything be broken or stolen? Will the house sitter be able to handle an emergency?
Karen and I are mature, responsible and trustworthy people with house and pet sitting experience. We are a very healthy and young couple, in our 50s, and have been married for 32 years. We are non smokers and non drinkers and we are neat and tidy. I am very handy and after managing people and assets throughout my career I am very capable of handling any emergency that may arise.
We are recently retired and traveling through the means of house and pet sitting.
Leaving your home, your beloved pet(s) and your possessions with us means that you will be able to leave your worries as well. When you return your pet(s) will be loved and happy and your home will be clean and exactly the way you left it.
We look forward to speaking with you.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Karen, 57 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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